523 research outputs found

    Designing fuzzy rule based classifier using self-organizing feature map for analysis of multispectral satellite images

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    We propose a novel scheme for designing fuzzy rule based classifier. An SOFM based method is used for generating a set of prototypes which is used to generate a set of fuzzy rules. Each rule represents a region in the feature space that we call the context of the rule. The rules are tuned with respect to their context. We justified that the reasoning scheme may be different in different context leading to context sensitive inferencing. To realize context sensitive inferencing we used a softmin operator with a tunable parameter. The proposed scheme is tested on several multispectral satellite image data sets and the performance is found to be much better than the results reported in the literature.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Identifying changes in EEG information transfer during drowsy driving by transfer entropy

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    © 2015 Huang, Pal, Chuang and Lin. Drowsy driving is a major cause of automobile accidents. Previous studies used neuroimaging based approaches such as analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) activities to understand the brain dynamics of different cortical regions during drowsy driving. However, the coupling between brain regions responding to this vigilance change is still unclear. To have a comprehensive understanding of neural mechanisms underlying drowsy driving, in this study we use transfer entropy, a model-free measure of effective connectivity based on information theory. We investigate the pattern of information transfer between brain regions when the vigilance level, which is derived from the driving performance, changes from alertness to drowsiness. Results show that the couplings between pairs of frontal, central, and parietal areas increased at the intermediate level of vigilance, which suggests that an enhancement of the cortico-cortical interaction is necessary to maintain the task performance and prevent behavioral lapses. Additionally, the occipital-related connectivity magnitudes monotonically decreases as the vigilance level declines, which further supports the cortical gating of sensory stimuli during drowsiness. Neurophysiological evidence of mutual relationships between brain regions measured by transfer entropy might enhance the understanding of cortico-cortical communication during drowsy driving

    Fuzzy decision-making fuser (FDMF) for integrating human-machine autonomous (HMA) systems with adaptive evidence sources

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    © 2017 Liu, Pal, Marathe, Wang and Lin. A brain-computer interface (BCI) creates a direct communication pathway between the human brain and an external device or system. In contrast to patient-oriented BCIs, which are intended to restore inoperative or malfunctioning aspects of the nervous system, a growing number of BCI studies focus on designing auxiliary systems that are intended for everyday use. The goal of building these BCIs is to provide capabilities that augment existing intact physical and mental capabilities. However, a key challenge to BCI research is human variability; factors such as fatigue, inattention, and stress vary both across different individuals and for the same individual over time. If these issues are addressed, autonomous systems may provide additional benefits that enhance system performance and prevent problems introduced by individual human variability. This study proposes a human-machine autonomous (HMA) system that simultaneously aggregates human and machine knowledge to recognize targets in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task. The HMA focuses on integrating an RSVP BCI with computer vision techniques in an image-labeling domain. A fuzzy decision-making fuser (FDMF) is then applied in the HMA system to provide a natural adaptive framework for evidence-based inference by incorporating an integrated summary of the available evidence (i.e., human and machine decisions) and associated uncertainty. Consequently, the HMA system dynamically aggregates decisions involving uncertainties from both human and autonomous agents. The collaborative decisions made by an HMA system can achieve and maintain superior performance more efficiently than either the human or autonomous agents can achieve independently. The experimental results shown in this study suggest that the proposed HMA system with the FDMF can effectively fuse decisions from human brain activities and the computer vision techniques to improve overall performance on the RSVP recognition task. This conclusion demonstrates the potential benefits of integrating autonomous systems with BCI systems

    Adaptive subspace sampling for class imbalance processing

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    © 2016 IEEE. This paper presents a novel oversampling technique that addresses highly imbalanced data distribution. At present, the imbalanced data that have anomalous class distribution and underrepresented data are difficult to deal with through a variety of conventional machine learning technologies. In order to balance class distributions, an adaptive subspace self-organizing map (ASSOM) that combines the local mapping scheme and globally competitive rule is proposed to artificially generate synthetic samples focusing on minority class samples. The ASSOM is conformed with feature-invariant characteristics, including translation, scaling and rotation, and it retains the independence of basis vectors in each module. Specifically, basis vectors generated via each ASSOM module can avoid generating repeated representative features that offer nothing but heavy computational load. Several experimental results demonstrate that the proposed ASSOM method with supervised learning manner is superior to other existing oversampling techniques

    Exploring Covert States of Brain Dynamics via Fuzzy Inference Encoding.

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    Human brain inherently exhibits latent mental processes which are likely to change rapidly over time. A framework that adopts a fuzzy inference system is proposed to model the dynamics of the human brain. The fuzzy inference system is used to encode real-world data to represent the salient features of the EEG signals. Then, an unsupervised clustering is conducted on the extracted feature space to identify the brain (external and covert) states that respond to different cognitive demands. To understand the human state change, a state transition diagram is introduced, allowing visualization of connectivity patterns between every pair of states. We compute the transition probability between every pair of states to represent the relationships between the states. This state transition diagram is named as the Fuzzy Covert State Transition Diagram (FCOSTD), which helps the understanding of human states and human performance. We then apply FCOSTD on distracted driving experiments. FCOSTD successfully discovers the external and covert states, faithfully reveals the transition of the brain between states, and the route of the state change when humans are distracted during a driving task. The experimental results demonstrate that different subjects have similar states and inter-state transition behaviour (establishing the consistency of the system) but different ways to allocate brain resources as different actions are being taken

    Weighted Fuzzy Dempster-Shafer Framework for Multimodal Information Integration

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    © 1993-2012 IEEE. This study proposes an architecture based on a weighted fuzzy Dempster-Shafer framework (WFDSF), which can adjust weights associated with inconsistent evidence obtained by different classification approaches, to realize a fusion system for integrating multimodal information. The Dempster-Shafer theory (D-S theory) of evidence enables us to integrate heterogeneous information from multiple sources to obtain collaborative inferences for a given problem. To conquer various uncertainties associated with the collected information, our system assigns beliefs and plausibilities to possible hypotheses of each decision maker and uses a combination rule to fuse multimodal information. For information fusion, an important step in D-S aggregation is to find an appropriate basic probability assignment scheme for allocating support to each possible hypothesis/class, which remains an arduous and unsolved problem. Here, we propose a mathematical structure to aggregate weighted evidence extracted from two different types of approaches: fuzzy Naïve Bayes and nearest mean classification rule. Further, an intuitionistic belief assignment is employed to address uncertainties between hypotheses/classes. Finally, 12 benchmark problems from the UCI machine learning repository for classification are employed to validate the proposed WFDSF-based scheme. In addition, an application of WFDSF to a practical brain-computer interface problem involving multimodal data fusion is demonstrated in this study. The experimental results show that the WFDSF is superior to several existing methods

    A unified control structure for grid connected and islanded mode of operation of voltage source converter based distributed generation units under unbalanced and non-linear conditions

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    This manuscript develops a unified control structure for Distributed Generation (DG) units based on Voltage Source Converters considering unbalanced and non-linear operating conditions. This control structure works for both the Islanded and the Grid-connected modes of operation of the Micro-Grid (MG). The objective of this control scheme is to regulate the line currents of the DG unit in such a manner that the voltage at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) remains balanced despite the line currents of the DG unit being unbalanced and distorted. Multiple adaptive P-R controllers have been proposed for the current control loop of the Voltage Source Converter (VSC). These controllers have been implemented with resettable integrators so as to limit the DC components in the post fault current of the VSC. The Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is interfaced to the DC link of the VSC through bi-directional dc-dc converters. An improved control structure for the bi-directional dc-dc converter has been developed. The effectiveness of these control structures have been presented and tested in PSCAD/EMTDC in an IEEE 34 node distribution system model being fed by two identical DG units

    An interval type-2 neural fuzzy system for online system identification and feature elimination

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    © 2012 IEEE. We propose an integrated mechanism for discarding derogatory features and extraction of fuzzy rules based on an interval type-2 neural fuzzy system (NFS)-in fact, it is a more general scheme that can discard bad features, irrelevant antecedent clauses, and even irrelevant rules. High-dimensional input variable and a large number of rules not only enhance the computational complexity of NFSs but also reduce their interpretability. Therefore, a mechanism for simultaneous extraction of fuzzy rules and reducing the impact of (or eliminating) the inferior features is necessary. The proposed approach, namely an interval type-2 Neural Fuzzy System for online System Identification and Feature Elimination (IT2NFS-SIFE), uses type-2 fuzzy sets to model uncertainties associated with information and data in designing the knowledge base. The consequent part of the IT2NFS-SIFE is of Takagi-Sugeno-Kang type with interval weights. The IT2NFS-SIFE possesses a self-evolving property that can automatically generate fuzzy rules. The poor features can be discarded through the concept of a membership modulator. The antecedent and modulator weights are learned using a gradient descent algorithm. The consequent part weights are tuned via the rule-ordered Kalman filter algorithm to enhance learning effectiveness. Simulation results show that IT2NFS-SIFE not only simplifies the system architecture by eliminating derogatory/irrelevant antecedent clauses, rules, and features but also maintains excellent performance

    Discovering monotonic stemness marker genes from time-series stem cell microarray data

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    © 2015 Wang et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Background: Identification of genes with ascending or descending monotonic expression patterns over time or stages of stem cells is an important issue in time-series microarray data analysis. We propose a method named Monotonic Feature Selector (MFSelector) based on a concept of total discriminating error (DEtotal) to identify monotonic genes. MFSelector considers various time stages in stage order (i.e., Stage One vs. other stages, Stages One and Two vs. remaining stages and so on) and computes DEtotal of each gene. MFSelector can successfully identify genes with monotonic characteristics.Results: We have demonstrated the effectiveness of MFSelector on two synthetic data sets and two stem cell differentiation data sets: embryonic stem cell neurogenesis (ESCN) and embryonic stem cell vasculogenesis (ESCV) data sets. We have also performed extensive quantitative comparisons of the three monotonic gene selection approaches. Some of the monotonic marker genes such as OCT4, NANOG, BLBP, discovered from the ESCN dataset exhibit consistent behavior with that reported in other studies. The role of monotonic genes found by MFSelector in either stemness or differentiation is validated using information obtained from Gene Ontology analysis and other literature. We justify and demonstrate that descending genes are involved in the proliferation or self-renewal activity of stem cells, while ascending genes are involved in differentiation of stem cells into variant cell lineages.Conclusions: We have developed a novel system, easy to use even with no pre-existing knowledge, to identify gene sets with monotonic expression patterns in multi-stage as well as in time-series genomics matrices. The case studies on ESCN and ESCV have helped to get a better understanding of stemness and differentiation. The novel monotonic marker genes discovered from a data set are found to exhibit consistent behavior in another independent data set, demonstrating the utility of the proposed method. The MFSelector R function and data sets can be downloaded from: http://microarray.ym.edu.tw/tools/MFSelector/

    Data Fusion of Objects Using Techniques Such as Laser Scanning, Structured Light and Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage Applications

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    In this paper we present a semi-automatic 2D-3D local registration pipeline capable of coloring 3D models obtained from 3D scanners by using uncalibrated images. The proposed pipeline exploits the Structure from Motion (SfM) technique in order to reconstruct a sparse representation of the 3D object and obtain the camera parameters from image feature matches. We then coarsely register the reconstructed 3D model to the scanned one through the Scale Iterative Closest Point (SICP) algorithm. SICP provides the global scale, rotation and translation parameters, using minimal manual user intervention. In the final processing stage, a local registration refinement algorithm optimizes the color projection of the aligned photos on the 3D object removing the blurring/ghosting artefacts introduced due to small inaccuracies during the registration. The proposed pipeline is capable of handling real world cases with a range of characteristics from objects with low level geometric features to complex ones